¿Te sientes solo/a en medio de la Pandemia?

Si experimentas sentimientos de soledad a pesar de estar rodeado de amigos, familia u otras personas o si te sientes desconectado y que no encajas con otros,  toma  una pausa y tómate unos minutos para leer esta lectura. ¡Estas palabras son para ti! ¡Acompáñame y aprenderás nuevas formas de enfrentar y superar este sentimiento! Estás…

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4 Things You Gain When You Let Go of Control

When you try to control too much, you enjoy too little.  Sometimes you just need to let go, relax, take a deep breath and love what is. This morning I met up with an old friend, someone whom I care about deeply but have internally struggled with for years because I’ve always been worried about…

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5 Ways to Stop Worrying About What Everyone Thinks of You

You could spend the whole year worrying about what other people think of you, but it wouldn’t get you anywhere. “What’s wrong with wanting others to like you?” That’s what several of our course members asked me in response to one of my recent course member emails. And I’ve been asked similar questions over the…

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One Thing You Should Know About the People in Your Life

If you’ve been paying any attention to our blog over the past few months we’ve mentioned our friend Thanh a time or two.  I met Thanh at a conference in Las Vegas some years back.  We hit it off as friends almost immediately there was lots of synergy between our interests in personal growth and…

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6 Stress-Reducing Rituals Successful People Live

Take a deep breath.  Nothing is as hectic as it seems.  Nothing is worth weakening your health.  Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety and despair. The mind can go either direction under stress – toward the positive or toward the negative: on or off.  Think of it as a binary spectrum, where the…

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How to Practice Letting Go (When You Catch Yourself Holding On)

If you worry too much about what might be, or what might have been, you will ignore and overlook what is. Remember this. Happiness is letting go of what you assume life is supposed to be like right now and sincerely appreciating it for everything it is. Over the past decade, as Angel and I…

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3 Powerful Rituals for Building New, Healthy Relationships

I met Thanh at a business conference in Las Vegas some years back.  We hit it off as friends almost immediately there was lots of synergy between our interests in personal development and in expanding our entrepreneurial business ventures but the kicker is the immense (and immediate) positive impact Thanh’s friendship has had on both…

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How Children’s Brains Develop To Make Them Right Or Left Handed

As children grow older, they tend to favour one hand over the other for certain tasks, particularly for writing or drawing. A child’s “handedness” is generally categorised as right, left or mixed, and tends to settle around the same time they acquire language about four years old. It remains a persistent characteristic throughout our life….

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4 Questions that Will Turn Your Day Around

Last night I met a tired and weary soul at a local charity event.  We struck up a conversation after I helped her pick up some papers she had accidentally dropped on the floor.  She said she was volunteering at the event, and several other charity events over the next few weeks, because she didn’t…

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